和平國度 Peaceful Nation



畫題 Title: 和平國度 Peaceful Nation 作者 Painter: 銘鴻,小怡, 文文,倚喬 類別 Type: 國畫 Chinese Painting 尺寸 Size: 138cm x 70cm 描述 Description: 二十隻和平鴿在雄壯的山峰自由的飛翔,整個畫面充滿了愛和和諧,同時也慶祝著智行20週年生日。 This image of twenty doves soaring above majestic mountains is a scene filled with love and peace, celebrating Chi Heng Foundation's 20th anniversary. ************* 凡捐款HK$42,000 以資助7名大學生一年課程,可獲贈此畫作。 People who donate HK$42,000 to fund a one-year course for 7 university students will be awarded this artwork.
