洗禮 Ablution



畫題 Title: 洗禮 Ablution 作者 Painter: 小冲 作品類別 Type: 丙烯 Acrylic 尺寸 Size: 60cm x 60cm 描述 Description: 人生中經歷各種各樣的洗禮, 它們會成為我們成長的踏腳石,讓我們變得更加強大和堅定。 There are all kinds of baptisms in life, and they become stepping stones for us to grow stronger and more ************* 凡捐款HK$8,800 以資助20名小學生一年書簿雜費,可獲贈此畫作。 People who donate HK$8,800 to fund a one-year textbook & miscellaneous fees for 20 primary school students will be awarded this artwork.
