花火綻放 Fireworks in Bloom



畫題 Title: 花火綻放 Fireworks in Bloom 作者 Painter: 夢想,小涵,佳佳,芮瑩,小磊 尺寸 Size: 50cm x 60cm 描述 Description: 不久的將來,我希望會變成照亮弱勢群體陽光,就像智行一樣。 In the near future, I hope to become the sunshine that shines on the disadvantaged, just like Chi Heng Foundation. ************* 凡捐款HK$14,400 以資助3名高中生一年課程,可獲贈此畫作。 People who donate HK$14,400 to fund a one-year course for 3 high school students will be awarded this artwork.
