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電郵地址: info@chihengfoundation.com
電話號碼: 85237096543
智行基金會在1998 年成立於香港,『智行』理念是把智慧付諸行動,締造一個更平等、健康的社會。秉承這理念,智行自成立以來已累計服務超過32,000 名孩子,一直致力為國內受愛滋病影響家庭的兒童及受貧窮、疾病、歧視影響的學生提供教育資助、生活及心理發展的照顧。
Chi Heng Foundation (CHF) was founded in 1998 and is a registered charity in Hong Kong. The philosophy of "Chi Heng" is to put "Wisdom into Action" to help the underprivileged. CHF's work in China focuses on providing comprehensive care and support to AIDS impacted children, with education being the main focus. Since 2002, CHF has cumulatively sponsored over 30,000 AIDS impacted children, including primary, junior high, senior high and university students. Our beneficiaries are not only AIDS impacted children but also underprivileged students suffering from poverty, illness and/or discrimination.