綻放 Flowers in Bloom



畫題 Title: 綻放 Flowers in Bloom 作者 Painter: 瑞麗 尺寸 Size: 30cm x 40cm 描述 Description: 花之色彩,如同生命之火花點燃每一個燦爛的瞬間,讓我們的心靈沉浸在花香之中。 The brilliance of the flowers is a spark that ignites the bright moments in our lives, and our souls are immersed in the fragrance of the flowers. ************* 凡捐款HK$24,000 以資助4名大學生一年課程,可獲贈此畫作。 People who donate HK$24,000 to fund a one-year course for 4 university students will be awarded this artwork.
